Happy New Year from Early Childhood Options!
Quality Improvement Dollars
Early Childhood Options is committed to supporting ongoing quality improvement at every participating site. Quality Assistance Dollars will be offered to each participating program per the Quality Dollar Table.
Early Childhood Options will help programs prioritize the use of Quality Assistance Dollars. Quality Dollars will be awarded based on input from a program's ECO Coach, with a focus on improving Kindergarten readiness. Early Childhood Options is focused on closing the achievement gap, ensuring equitable practices, implementing Conscious Discipline and actively interacting with families. Quality Dollars should be used to further these initiatives along with providing support for incentives for teachers such as EC Cares, wellness benefits, and bonuses.
Guidelines for Quality Dollars
LOCAL FUNDING: Right Start Quality Improvement Program
50% of funds must be used for staff appreciation, retention and trainings
The remaining amount may be used for site improvements and learning environment materials. If unsure if a purchase qualifies contact the Education Coordinator at jessee@earlychildhoodoptions.org.
Purchases must align with the program's Colorado Shines Quality Improvement Plan, which should be updated annually.
The application must be completed on Survey Monkey by clicking the link below. Applications are open from March to November.
STATE FUNDING: Colorado Shines Quality Improvement
You must apply through ecConnect.
A program can submit receipts for reimbursement or purchase directly through the approved vendor to be billed to the Early Childhood Council.
Funds may be used for building improvements and non-consumable materials for child care learning environment.
Professional development for staff.
Applications are open from March to November.